Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day dreaming of 18 century

Who want to be in a dream with pastel colors, angels, French cakes, fairy tale ball clothes and giant wigs. Ok maybe there were some slight problems of lack of toilets and bathrooms but don't worry you will have French perfumes to cover the smell. You know what i am speaking about right? Time travel or dreaming about French Rococo.

There are few things i am obsessed in this life. Tea, chocolate, Alexandre Dumas, and Moliere and Lully. I know you know tea and chocolate and maybe Alexandre Dumas and Moliere but Lully is less.
I grow up reading Moliere theaters like watching soap opera.His own life was a like a black comedy though, he wanted to write tragedies and including his own death his life made people laugh. He dies when he was playing "Le Malade Imaginaire " while playing someone who imagine sickness. He had tuberculosis and started to cough people though his acting was very good, so real. But he died in few hours without receiving any priest.
 Jean Baptiste Lully was an Italian composer started to work as a dancer for 14th Lully and soon he become one of the establisher of French opera. He has some gossips about him being in love with the king even a French film "Le rois dance". What interests me is his compositions and hid collaborations with Moliere. Together they have created a new form comédie-ballet combination of theather (comedy) and ballet.
One of the example is Le bourgeois gentilhomme. Which brings you a love story a comedy about a men desperately trying to look rich, Turks, Spanish and Italian people. What can be more amusing than colors and comedy.
The video above is Jordi Savall a very respected musician and his band playing one of Lully pieces i think it is from Le bourgeois gentilhomme. Hope you will enjoy.