Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas magical soul with wood carving Santa

21st century is the century of development, surely we have developed a lot with new inventions.Our life become easier however, I believe we had gotten a little bit away from our traditions. Christmas for example seem to lose its magic compare to 19 century and earlier. The image we have of Santa Claus or father Christmas dates back to 19th century to a book called "A New-year's present". In this book a poem mentions a guy travel with reindeers and bringing presents to the children. After this poem the image of Father Christmas become a lovely old guy giving presents and travel with his reindeers.
Father Christmas might be though to originated to Saint Nicholas of Anatolia. A Byzantine monk who gives present to the poor ones. He was represented as a dark middle age man. Some others suggest the Norse god Odin was the origin of Father Christmas and with the Christianization he take his place a s father Christmas.
Whoever he originated father Christmas warms up our hearths in the cold winter days. First, we spend a month or two thinking about our loved one and buy them presents. Then we spend this Gorgeous Christmas holiday with our families. It is a bounding and it is a great way of sharing love.

A member of wood carvers of etsy reflect the warm and lovely face of Father Christmas to wood and then pained softly. The shop is called RWRwoodcarving. Meet Robers, he is a very talented wood carver and one of the member of Woodcarvers of etsy team.
He had Santa Clause and even some cupcakes at his shop and they are all carved by hand and painted for you. You can even have one of his Santa Claus brooches to carry Christmas magic everywhere you go.

Friday, November 25, 2011

French boheme, Boheme and mori girl jewelry

Welcome to the romantic world of French Boheme girl...

All rights reserved by French Boheme. It is forbidden to copy the designs or use photos without permission.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lolita mori girl DIY bow ring

What you need is:
A ring, hot glue gun, scissor and felt.

Cut a piece of felt 4 cm to 3,5 cm and another piece 1 cm to 4 cm.
Tale your bog piece and form a bow (fold it from the middle).Wrap the small piece around the middle of the big piece and hot glue the back part of it.

Then the last part is glue our felt bow to the ring.
Et voila! you have a bow ring.
Black version is very suitable for gothic lolitas. Pink one for sweet lolitas. For mori girl beige or brown fit perfectly.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The ancient Muse mori girl jewelry, The winter woodland

I was working like crazy since few weeks. As Christmas comes I am running everywhere. I have come with some new winter ideas. Meet my new hair accessories and Jack the penguin.
For more info about Jack's life visit my shop please....

All rights reserved by The ancient Muse.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Diy comming out, when?

I have started my DIY projects around September. However because of busy Holiday season I am taking a long break for DIY. However this does not mean I will not continue. I am also starting new DIY group in Bordeaux with Etsy for helping people to create their own style and have fun with creating. January I will continue with my DIYs at the blog. But before Christmas I really wanted to publish a Diy which could be great for Christmas for those mori girls, dolly kei and lolitas.Fingers cross that I will have time for it.
See you soon with new Diy s hopefully!

Friday, November 4, 2011

French Boheme and The Ancient Muse jewelery and accessories

Few days ago I have lunched my second shop on etsy. It is called French Boheme. I had some lace and feather jewelery and accessories at The Ancient Muse which were lost in between my wood work. The style of the shop is shabby chic, Boheme, again mori girl and dolly kei styles. A little touch of vintage flowers and lace is always great to give a magical romantic feeling where you can see it at French Boheme. The name of the shop has two elements. Being in France, using some French materials and being inspired from French Boheme style is the French part. Boheme part is my inspirations especially from Balkans where my family originates. i hope you will enjoy my new style.