"Life is an endless tea party" written at her banner with a manner of regency and Victorian women. Indeed dear darlings life without tea parties is not a life perhaps, no laughers no girly talk and no cakes, it is miserable and lonely...
Miss B is a delicate lady from Romania who offers her unique and lovely designs. First time i have met with my friend Miss B i was delighted how soft and romantic her jewelry palette is. Just for a truly romantic girl! There are so many things to ask her from her style to stories behind her creations and little profile photo. Hmmm Lets start maybe?First question is about inspirations, Miss B where your enchanting inspiration comes from?
I would say everywhere, but to be
honest, the things that fascinate me the most are very close details
of nature's wonders, like spider's webs with morning due, sea side
images, butterflies in their flight or set on flowers, but also
details of embroider on clothing or drapes or mixes of colors. I
really can't spent a day without thinking about fashion, about shoes
and bags, costume jewelry and great brands with fantastic
manufactured products.
This is how i choose the style of a piece, shapes, beads but the whole picture always must pass one inspiration filter, and that is picturing in my mind a lady wearing the piece, beautifully dresses and holding a cup of tea, as the miss in my logo does.
This is how i choose the style of a piece, shapes, beads but the whole picture always must pass one inspiration filter, and that is picturing in my mind a lady wearing the piece, beautifully dresses and holding a cup of tea, as the miss in my logo does.
Second question is also something i wonder. Well It is true that you also have a lady holding a cup of tea in her hand on your profile picture. What is the story of it?
This is a long story : ) Or not so long.
The logo it was made by the wonderful Gabriela Iancu ( www.gabrielaiancu.com
) who understood perfectly what i wanted. I spent a couple of months
drawing silhouettes holding a cup of tea, having this big bun ( I
myself tend to wrap my hair like this, when i get very focused on my
work ).
The idea behind this miss holding the tea cup is to express in one simple image an extremely exquisite gesture, this has a sort of nobility for me, a graceful impression. It is actually inspired by my grandmother who, although has been a tailor all her life, working in a factory, not very rich or with any noble background ( only with a huge tailor history in the family ), besides having a fantastic sense of fashion, always hold the tea cup with her middle finger in her hand and eats and drinks with such a grace that to me can only be the grace of a princess.
The idea behind this miss holding the tea cup is to express in one simple image an extremely exquisite gesture, this has a sort of nobility for me, a graceful impression. It is actually inspired by my grandmother who, although has been a tailor all her life, working in a factory, not very rich or with any noble background ( only with a huge tailor history in the family ), besides having a fantastic sense of fashion, always hold the tea cup with her middle finger in her hand and eats and drinks with such a grace that to me can only be the grace of a princess.
One of the things i love so much her style is because her design suits my historical fashion sense (18th 19 century) too. Her pieces can easily fit a regency dress or a Victorian one. Plus they are also contemporary so they will go everywhere with you basically. They are also so perfect to make simple clothing look so chic. They fit so many style actually.
Well this was my idea about her jewelry fashion.What about Miss B? Can you tell us about your style, your
fashion sense? The style you want create with your jewelry.
If I think about my style, the way I
dress and the clothing I imagine suitable to be worn with my jewelry
than i can tell you i dress quite simple, mostly colors blocks though
i really love floral patterns and dots ( i have a huge passion for
dotted patterns ). My pieces are mostly every day wear accessories,
so they go perfect with simple outfits but also with patterned
clothing or more precious dresses with ruffles, drapes, or ribbons.
For the statement pieces i recommend more simple clothes, without
ruffles or other dress adornments.
As i told you, most of my clothes are simple, the tops are always one or two colors ( oh and have i mentioned how much i love cardigans? : ) because beside the simple every day jewelry i always like to add something that catches the eye - big flowers in my hair or as brooches, one big ring or a statement necklace or lots of simple bracelets on one arm.
As i told you, most of my clothes are simple, the tops are always one or two colors ( oh and have i mentioned how much i love cardigans? : ) because beside the simple every day jewelry i always like to add something that catches the eye - big flowers in my hair or as brooches, one big ring or a statement necklace or lots of simple bracelets on one arm.
What about the musicians, fashion, artists inspires you?
As i mentioned before I am greatly
inspired by the high fashion in it's precious details, but also by
costumes from past times eras, they are so detailed, they all seem
works or art. Music always helped me add a sense of modernity to my
pieces, because i love the Italian wave of nu jazz, and Brazilian
jazzy vibes, the kind of music one can often hear on Fashion TV.
Sometimes I listen to classic guitar while creating, there's a sort
of delicacy in most of the plays that make me spend sleepless nights
thinking how could i add that kind of exquisite, delicate, vaporous
filling to my designs.
What about your free times? Little secret gossip:D What occupies you other than your designs?
Apart from creating my pieces, I'm
learning for my MA studies, and trying to catch up with this
wonderful think that online and social media is. And pinning and
reading and baking : )
Baking!!! She is a perfect romantic girl!!! Wonder how delicious things she is baking!!!
Lastly, What would you tell us about yourself more?
I would say that although I am Miss B
and Miss B is me, more than the current pieces I am selling, in my
mind there are thousands of fascinating designs, statement pieces
that I will soon make. I took me a couple of years to realize it but
I think fashion jewelry is the most amazing think i could have ever
created. The ability of designing and working a piece which makes a
lady feel beautiful, creating adornments for ladies all over the
world is a blessing and a fantastic joy!
Our lovely interview finished her but if you would like to join =>Life's endless Tea Party with Miss B